Machines might not take your job. But they could make it worse
How robots and AI change the meaningfulness of work
July 19th was a day for help-desk heroes and support superstars. A routine software update by CrowdStrike, a cyber-security company, caused computer outages in offices, hospitals and airports worldwide.
7月19日是桌面运维和技术支持英雄们的主场。网络安全公司 CrowdStrike 照例进行了软件更新,却导致全球各地的办公室、医院和机场的电脑瘫痪。
Most white-collar workers looked disconsolately at their screens and realised just how useless they are if they cannot log in.
People in IT came to the rescue of helpless colleagues and stranded passengers. Their work that day was full of stress—but also full of meaning.
在这种情况下,IT 部门的人员纷纷伸出援手,帮助无助的同事和滞留的乘客。那天他们的工作压力很大,但也充满意义。
If machines can add purpose to some jobs when they fail, what about when they work properly?
This is not an idle question. Discussions about artificial intelligence (AI) in particular easily get lost in hypothetical debates about wholesale job losses or, worse, the nature of consciousness.
But technologies tend to spread in less dramatic ways, task by task rather than role by role.