Should I "Resist Not, Evil"?
Jerry: So we don't really need to repel any negatives? We only have to attract what we want?
Abraham: It is not possible to push things that you do not want away from you, because in your pushing against them you are actually activating the vibration of them and therefore attracting them. Everything in this Universe is attraction based. In other words, there is no such thing as exclusion. When you shout "No!" at those things you do not want, you are actually inviting those unwanted things into your experience. When you shout "Yes!" at those things you do want, you are actually inviting those wanted things into your experience.
Jerry: That's where that saying "Resist ye not evil" probably came from.
Abraham: If you are resisting anything, you are focused upon it, pushing against it, and activating the vibration of it-and therefore attracting it. And so, it would not be a good idea to do that with anything that you do not want. "Resist ye not evil" would also be spoken by someone wise enough to understand that what humans call "evil" does not exist.
Jerry: Abraham, what would be your definition of the word evil?
Abraham: There would be no reason for the word evil to be in our vocabulary because there is nothing that we are aware of that we would label with the word. When humans use the word, they usually mean "that which opposes good." We have noticed that when humans use the word evil, they mean something that opposes their idea of what is good, or what is God. Evil is that which one believes is not in harmony with what they want.
Jerry: And good?
Abraham: Good is that which one believes they do want. You see, good and evil are only ways of defining wanted and unwanted. And wanted and unwanted only apply to the individual doing the wanting. It gets tricky when humans get involved in the wanting of others, and even trickier when they attempt to cotrol the desires of others.
How Do I Find Out What I Really Want?
Jerry: One of the most common concerns I've heard over the years is people saying, "Well, I just don't know what I want." How do we know what we want?
Abraham: You have come forth into this physical life experience with the intention of experiencing the variety and contrast for the very purpose of determining your own personal preferences and desires.
Jerry: Could you give us an idea of a process we could use to find out what we want?
Abraham: Your life experience is continually helping you identify what you want. Even as you are keenly aware of something that you do not want, in that moment you are becoming more clear about that which you do want. And it is helpful to make the statement "I want to know what I want," because in your conscious awareness of that intention, the attraction process is intensified.
Jerry: So the person who's telling me "I want to know what I want," is, at that moment, beginning to find out what they want?
Abraham: Through the experience of life, you cannot help but identify, from your perspective, your personal opinions and preferences: "I prefer that to this, I like that more than this, I want to experience this, I don't want to experience that." You cannot help but come to your own conclusions as you sift through the details of your own life experience.
We do not believe that people are having such a difficult time deciding what they want as much as they do not believe that they can receive what they want... Because they have not understood the powerful Law of Attraction, and because they have not been consciously aware of their own vibrational offering, they have not experienced any conscious control over the things that have come into their own experience. Many have experienced the discomfort of really wanting something and working very hard to try to achieve it, only to continue to hold it away because they were offering thoughts of the lack of it more predominantly than thoughts of the receiving of it. So, over time, they begin to associate the receiving of wanted things with hard work, struggle, and disappointment.
So when they say, "I don't know what I want," what they really mean is, "I don't know how to get what I want," or "I'm not willing to do what I think I need to do to try to get what I want," and "I really don't want to work so hard again only to have the discomfort of still not getting what I want!"
To make the statement "I want to know what I want!" is a first and powerful step in Deliberate Creation. But then, a deliberate directing of your attention to the things you want to attract into your experience must come next.
Most people have not been deliberately directing their thoughts toward the things that they really want, but instead, are simply observing whatever is going on around them. So when they see something that pleases them, they feel positive emotion, but when they see something that displeases them, they feel negative emotion. Few realize that they can control the way they feel and positively affect the things that come into their life experience by deliberately directing their thoughts. But because they are not accustomed to doing that, it takes practice. That is the reason why we encourage the Creative Workshop Process. By deliberately directing your thoughts and by creating pleasing mental scenarios in your own mind that induce good-feeling emotions within you, you begin to change your own point of attraction.
The Universe, which is responding to the thoughts that you are thinking, does not distinguish between a thought brought about by your observation of some reality you have witnessed and a thought brought about by your imagination. In either case, the thought equals your point of attraction-and if you focus upon it long enough, it will become your reality.
I Wanted Blue and Yellow but Got Green
When you are clear about everything that you want, you will get all of the results that you want. But often you are not completely clear. You say, for example, "I want the color yellow, and I want the color blue." But what you end up with is green. And then you say, "How did I get green? I did not intend that at all." But, it came forth as a blending of other intentions, you see. (Of course, blending the color yellow with the color blue creates the color green.)
And so, in a similar manner (at an unconscious level), there is a blending of intentions that is continually occurring within you, but it is so complex that your conscious thinking mechanism cannot sort it all out. But your Inner Being can sort it out--and can offer you guiding emotions. All that is required is that you pay attention to the way you feel, and that you let yourself be drawn to those things that feel good or right to you while you let yourself be moved away from those things that do not.
When you have practiced clarifying your intentions a bit, you will find yourself, in the very early stages of interacting with others, knowing whether what they are offering is of value or not. You will know whether you want to invite them into your experience or not.
How Does the Victim Attract the Robber?
Jerry: I can understand robbers being attracted to those they're robbing, but it's difficult to see innocent victims (as they're called) attracting the robbery, or the person being discriminated against attracting the prejudice.
Abraham: But they are, just the same. The assaulted and the assaulter are co-creators of the event.
Jerry: So, one of them is thinking about what they don't want and getting it, and the other is thinking about what they do want and getting (the vibrational essence of) that. In other words, they are, what you call, a vibrational match?
Abraham: It makes no difference whether you want the specifics of it or not; it is the vibrational essence of the subject of your attention that is attracted. That which you really, really want, you get-and that which you really, really do not want, you get.
The only way to avoid developing a powerful emotional thought about something is by not thinking the first not-so- powerful thought that is then added to by the Law of Attraction.
Let us say you read in the paper that someone has been robbed. Unless you read a detailed account that brings forth great emotion within you, reading the account or hearing about it will not necessarily put you in the attracting mode. But if you read about it or see it on television or discuss it with another until you begin to feel an emotional response about it, then you begin to draw a similar experience closer to you.