1.《Eden · Untamed Planet(伊甸园:最后的秘境)》是BBC与哔哩哔哩合作的独家纪录片,b站提供中配、英配双版;
At the tip of South America, spanning Chile and Argentina,lies a remote and frozen domain. It's known as Patagonia. 17 million years ago, the clash of tectonic plates creased and buckles the landscape. Vast glaciers shaped it into an Eden like no other. Isolated by sheer distance and preserved in time, adaptable and resilient creatures evolved unique survival strategies to flourish across its remarkable habitats.
From precipitous mountain citadels and icy desert plateaus, windswept steppe uplands through remote, primal forests to a mosaic of glacial valleys. To thrive here is to be as extreme as the land itself. There are still places on earth that remain pristine where wildlife flourishes. These are the last regions that could be called Eden.
Our journey begins high in the Andean mountains. Eight thousand kilometres of jagged peaks extend the length of Patagonia where their influence shapes life itself in this remote and mysterious land. North of Patagonia in the shadow of the Andes, lies one of the driest, most inhospitable deserts on Earth, Atacama. Over one hundred thousand square kilometres, there are places here with no recorded rainfall in 500 years.
4,800 metres up, the ultra violet radiation is so intense. It can burn human skin in minutes. Yet for some, this is paradise. Every spring, from as far away as southern Patagonia, 3,000 kilometres away, thousands of flamingos gather. Descending on shallow lagoons, they feed on vast algal blooms and the prolific brine shrimp that flourish here, from which the birds inherit their fiery colouring.
Every little helps, when you need to attract a mate in a crowd of look alikes. 22 weeks later, the lake is a nursery for thousands of chicks. For safety, they stick together in creches. Culpeo foxes patrol the shore. So it pays to keep up. Watchful guardians are on hand, shepherding the hungry youngsters to the richest feeding grounds. They have just 3 months to fatten up on shrimp and build the strength to fly, before the onset of winter.
By April, nightly temperatures fall to minus 12 degrees Celsius. At dawn, the surface of the lake is frozen solid, cutting off the food supply and imprisoning the fledglings. Only adults have the strength to break their bonds and make good their escape. Even as the lake begins to thaw, shackles of salt and ice continue to weigh the chicks down.
And with every day deeper into winter, cold and lack of food take a toll.But a breath of seasonal wind offers hope. Gaining strength, it provides just enough lift for a last chance at liberty. Trading their rich nursery feeding grounds for the southern lowlands, they'll find refuge from the grip of winter.