The older
Disclaimer:This play is adapted from the film 《Leon》 copyright belongs to its production company. Reprint without permission is strictly prohibited.
1女3男(蓝、棕、橙); 或
The older:旅馆前台老者,50岁,慈祥忠厚。
Jack: Stan的手下,40岁(3句台词)
Benny: Stan的呆萌手下一枚,执行任务容易紧张,说话傻乎乎的。
Man: Leon的一个任务目标,24岁左右,做事毛毛躁躁,爱大惊小怪,刚踏上贩毒之路就被发现并被干掉的小透明。
Alpha Team leader: 35岁,强壮沉稳的特警队长。
Teacher: 尾声时出现,Mathilda的老师,思想传统,善良朴素。
Act 1 Scene 1 【Hallway】
【00:15 Leon上楼梯脚步声】
Leon:Why did you hide the cigarette?
Mathilda:This building's full of rats.I don't want my old man to find out. Got enough problems.
Leon:What happened to your face?
Mathilda:l fell off my bike.
Mathilda:Hey.Don't tell my dad about the cigarette, OK?
【00:50 Leon钥匙开门声、关门】
【00:57 开门声,脚步声】
Malky: Why are you doing this to us?
Dad: I don’t know...
Malky:People got memory problems these days. It must be the sun. Know when to come out of the sun.
Dad: I don’t know how it happened.(Speaks fast. Try to explain)What's my job? l'm just a holder. l hold the stuff just like you give it to me.l don't look at it. l don't touch it. l don't even know how to cut it.
Malky: Try and follow me, all right? ln June when we gave you the dope, it tests 100% pure. Now it's July. We pick up the dope and it tests 90% pure. Now somewhere between June and July 10% turned to cut.
Dad: I don’t know. That's none of my business,l'm just a holder. You give me the stuff, l hold the stuff, that's all l know!
Malky: Hey look, you know, l'm trying to help you out here. But, you know, if you're gonna be a hard ass about it, l gotta disturb him(points to Stan).【可自配 手拍肩膀声】Now let me tell you, when he's into his music, he hates being disturbed.
Dad: l'm telling you the truth !
Malky:l hope so. Because he's got a talent for sniffing out a lie. lt's scary. It's almost like a sixth sense.
Dad: Well...I'm not...
Malky:(interrupt)Now, are you gonna change your tune or do l gotta bust into his?
Dad: (seriously)l'm telling you the truth.
Malky: (shakes head, sigh)Hhuff....All right.
【02:30 脚步声】
Malky: Stan. Stan.
Stan:(Takes off the earphones, silence)Huh?
Malky: l'm sorry, you see, he said he didn't cut the dope.
Stan: Oh.
【02:40 脚步声,衣服摩擦,嗅气味的呼吸声】
Stan: Of course, he didn't.(whisper, cold voice) Just do me a favour. Find out who did... By tomorrow...Noon.
【02:57 Dad喘息,Stan和Malky走远的皮鞋声,拖鞋声Tata后入词】
Dad: (shouts)Malky, hey, wait! Hey, l didn't cut your shit! Find out yourself!
【03:10 地板吱呀响】
Dad:(Kicks Mathilda, angrily)What the hell are you doing out here? Get inside and do your homework.
Mathilda: l did it already.
Dad: Oh, yeah?(Slaps on Mathilda's face)【请自配巴掌声】Get inside and help your sister.Clean up the goddamn house! And stop smoking cigarettes!
Mathilda:I see.(sob and run away)
【03:29 跑步声,关门声】
Act 2 Scene 1【Hallway】
【03:35 原声,电影《It's always fair weather》音乐《I like myself》,Leon 看完电影回家,在走廊里又撞见了独自发呆的小姑娘。她的鼻子流了很多血。】
♫Why am I feeling when things could look black
♫That nothing could possibly go wrong
♫This has been a most unusual day
♫Love has made me see things in a different way
【04:03 上楼脚步声,递手绢】
Mathilda:Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a kid?(Wipes the blood)
Leon:(2 seconds silence)Always like this.
Mathilda:(mutters)Always like this.
Leon:Keep it.
Mathilda:(shouts)Hey!I'm going to the store. Do you want some milk? A quart or two? Two,right?
Mathilda: Ok. Not too long! (Cheerfully smiles and runs down the stairs)
Act 2 Scene 2【Mathilda’s house】
【04:42 黑警们上楼脚步声】
【04:47 Stan摇晃药盒声入词,后有脚步声】
Stan:(swallow a pill)l like these calm little moments before the storm. lt reminds me of Beethoven. Can you hear it? lt's like, when you put your head to the grass. You can hear it growing. You can hear the insects.(To Malky)Ha....Do you like Beethoven?
Malky: Couldn't really say.
Stan: l'm gonna play you some.
【05:24 脚步声,枪击声3次,Stan闯进Mathilda家将她的后妈、姐姐射杀】
Stan: We said noon !(Points at his watch)l've got one minute past. You don't like Beethoven. You don't know what you're missing.Overtures like that get my juices flowing. So powerful! But after his openings, to be honest, he does tend to get a little 【06:11 房间东西被碰乱杂声,听2-3秒就可以开始入词】
Stan: (To Dad, dramatically)You're a Mozart fan. l love him, too. l love Mozart! He was Austrian, you know. But for this kind of work. . .he's a little bit light. So l tend to go for the heavier guys.Check out Brahms, he's good, too.
【Blood: Nope.】
【00:15两声枪响,倒地声。00:19 Stan从地上爬起来喘息声后入词。】
Stan: (Looks at his broken shoulder, angrily)Oh...Oh, F**k!
Malky:Stan. He's dead.
Stan:(Stomps feet heavily)Look what you did !
Malky: Stan, you all right?
Stan:(Walks away to Dad, angrily)Look what you did !
【00:36 脚步声,枪声。Stan又歇斯底里地追去给Dad身后补了几枪。退弹壳声后入词。】
Malky: (Tries to stop Stan)Hey, Stan. Stan ! What are you doing?(worriedly)What are you doing? He's dead !
Stan:But he ruined my suit.
Malky: l know. l know, but he's dead. He's a piece of meat, forget about it. Calm down.
Stan: l'm calm.
Malky: Stay there, OK?(shouts to the hallway)Benny!Benny !
【01:07 枪声。呆萌黑警Benny在门外过于紧张,听到自己名字后扣动了扳机,差一点误伤Malky】
Malky: Jesus fucking Christ, Benny! lt's Malky and Stan!(to Stan)Take it easy, all right? Come on, come on.(shouts loudly)Benny!
【01:21 Malky安抚Stan,翻衣兜声,找香烟。踩到血泊声后入。】
Malky:Come on.Let's get a cigarette, all right?
(Shouts loudly)Benny, we're coming out! Benny, don't fire!
(Face to Benny)Get in ! Jesus fucking Christ, Benny!
【01:36 打火机】
Malky:You wear something new. . .Got a light? Take it easy!
【01:40 开门声】
【邻居老婆婆:What's happening out there?】
Malky: lt's all right, ma'am, go in. DEA. Police.
【01:48 邻居老婆婆:Why don't you leave that poor family alone?】
Malky: Everything's all right. (to Stan)Just calm down.
【01:52 Stan子弹上膛】
Stan: l am calm. l'm calm.
【01:56邻居老婆婆: Why don't you leave them alone?】
Stan: He said go back inside!
Malky: Stan, l think it's better if we go inside, all right?
Act 2 Scene 3 【Hallway】
【02:05♫音乐《What’s happening out there》♫ Mathilda抱着买回来的牛奶,上楼,在走廊里听到从家里传出的黑警的话,得知自己家人被杀。请随着音乐酝酿情绪,悲痛、恐惧、强作镇定。】
Malky:Benny, turn that kitchen upside down, find that shit!
Jack: Willy Blood, look what you did !You killed a four-year-old kid ! Did you really have to do that?
Mathilda: (Sees her dead Dad on the floor. Go straight to Leon's door,crying sadly and fearfully)
【02:21 门铃声后入】
Mathilda: Please, open the door.Please(tries to hold the crying. Low voice)
【02:25 纸袋声,两次门铃响】
Mathilda: Please.
【02:30 门铃响,开门声,关门声】
Act 2 Scene 4 【Mathilda's home】
【02:37 脚步声停入词】
Malky: (looks at a family photo frame)Jack, there's three kids here. l think Stan killed this girl. And Willy, that asshole, shot the little boy. The third one's missing. Find her.
Jack: Oh, shit. Hey, we missed the little girl, man.l'm gonna try and find the fucking super of this goddamn building.
【02:58 脚步声,打开盒子音后入词,Blood拆开收音机盒子发现了要找的drugs】
Blood: Yo, l found it!
【03:08 警车声响后2秒入词】
Malky: Stan, we found it.
Stan: l know.
Malky:There's cops outside, we better go.
Stan: (To Blood)There's the cops outside.We better go. You stay here.
【03:19 脚步声,警车响立刻入词】
Blood : What do you want me to tell them?
Stan:(Low and slow voice)Tell them....we were doing. . .our job.
Act 3 Scene 1 【Leon's house】
【03:36 放杯子,倒牛奶声同时入词】
【♫原声音乐《cute name》♫】
Leon:What's your name?
Mathilda:(Sadly, with tears)Mathilda.
Leon:Sorry about your father...
Mathilda:(Starts to cry)lf somebody didn't do it, one day or another, l would've probably done it myself.
Leon:Your mother, she...
Mathilda:(Keeps crying)She's not my mother.And my sister wanted to lose some weight anyway.But she never looked better. She's not even my real sister. Just a half-sister,and not a good half at that.
Leon:lf you couldn't stand them,why are you crying?
Mathilda:(Cries harder)Because they killed my brother,What the hell did he do? He was four years old.He never used to cry. Just used to sit next to me and cuddle. (Looks at Leon, calmly)l was more of a mother to him than that goddamn pig ever was!
Leon:Hey, don't talk like that about pigs,They're usually much nicer than people.
Mathilda:But they smell like shit.
Leon:Not true. As a matter of fact,right now l have one in my kitchen..that's very clean and smells very nice
Mathilda:You don't have a pig in your kitchen.
Leon:Yes I do.
Mathilda:l was just in there and l didn't see any goddamn pig.
Leon:Don't move, l'll get him.(Stands up and leaves)
【04:50 起身脚步声同时入词,在远处厨房假装找小猪】
Leon:Piggy? Piggy? Where are you? Ah,there you are.(using cute piggy voice)Hug-hug. Hug-hug!Hi Mathilda.
Mathilda:Hi Piggy.
【05:06 Leon带着小猪隔热手套,从厨房走到桌前坐下 】