Fundamental Assessment List for English Vocal Learners and Practitioners
Part I Pronunciation
1. Single-syllable words
Read the words below aloud.
bat spa rate arm day wait
stem set pea bee lens he
pig if tide tie skin fine
log goat told Laos zoo loud
nut put fur suit blue huge
our phone dream what chair then
2. Silent letters
Read the words below aloud. Take note of the letters that should not be pronounced.
climb lamb name pipe hour
heir know knot calf half
sign light gnaw gnarl ghost
wrap wrist debt doubt who
sword awry edge bridge tongue
ghetto should would mnemic
mnenon autumn column castle
apostle pneumonia psychology
receipt ballet aisle island
logically basically diarrhea rhyme
3. Liaisons
Read the phrases and sentences below aloud. You will need to distinguish whether and where liaisons are needed.
A. pick up
B. take it out
C. What is it?