The Phanto
兼Meg,Christine,Madame Giry
The Phantom Of the Opera
Disclaimer:This displays is adapted from The Phantom Of the Opera . Copyrights belongs to Andrew Lloyd Webber.
声明:本剧本改编自《歌剧魅影》,版权归安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯所有。仅供学习交流使用,禁止转载 ,侵删。
巴黎歌剧院合唱团的新人克莉斯汀(Christine)最近进步神速,全因剧院内的一间古老房间内每晚都会传出一把优美的男声向她传授歌唱技巧。这个良师益友其实是一个人称“剧院魅影”(The Phantom)的人,此人因样貌丑陋,自小便被父母抛弃,戴着面具隐居在剧院的地下室。“剧院魅影”内心其实深爱着克莉斯汀。 一次偶然的机会,克莉斯汀有幸担当一部歌剧的主角。凭借从“剧院魅影”那里学得的丰富的歌唱技巧,克莉斯汀一炮而红,并被年轻英俊的剧院赞助人拉乌尔(Raoul)看上了。两个年轻人很快堕入了爱河。“剧院魅影”伤透了心,认为是拉乌尔抢走了克莉斯汀,准备上演一出爱情复仇的大戏……
2、(女):Carlotta:原首席女高音 ;Meg:舞蹈演员,Christine的闺蜜 ;Madame Giry:舞蹈教师,严厉
3、(男):The Phantom;Andre
4、(男):Raoul(Christine的青梅竹马); Reyer:剧务
5、(男):Auctioneer:拍卖主持人 ;Piangi:剧场某男高音; Lefevre:剧场股东;Buquet:剧务 ;Firmin:股东
高亮涂灰 均为影视原声
【0:05 三下落锤】
Auctioneer: Sold. Your number, sir? Thank you. Lot 663, then, ladies and gentlemen: a poster for this house's production of "Hannibal" by Chalumeau.
【0:22】Porter: Showing here
Auctioneer:Now,Do I have ten francs? ten francs.Five then. Five I am bid. Six, ok,seven. Against you, sir, seven. Eight. Eight once. Selling twice. Sold,
Auctioneer:to Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny. thank you very much..........Lot 664: a wooden pistol and three human skulls ,from the 1831 production of "Robert le Diable" by Meyerbeer. Ten francs for this. Ten, thank you. Ten francs still. Fifteen, thank you, sir .Fifteen I am bid. Going at fifteen.
Auctioneer:Your number, sir? thank you !Lot 665, ladies and gentlemen: a papier-mache musical box, in the shape of a barrel-organ. Attached, the figure of a monkey in Persian robes playing the cymbals. This item, discovered in the vaults of the theatre, still in working order.
【1:47】Porter: Showing here
【八音盒音乐 结束后入】【2:01】
Auctioneer:May I start at twenty francs? Fifteen, then? Fifteen I am bid. Sold, 25?25 I am bid,thirty?thirty! thirty ,once ,thirty twice,sold !
【2:20 落锤】
Auctioneer:for thirty francs to the Vicomte de Chagny. Thank you, sir. thank you very much
【2:32 脚步声结束入】
Raoul: boy!
Raoul:A collector's piece indeed . . .
every detail exactly as she said . . .
She often spoke of you, my friend ....
Your velvet lining, and your figurine of lead...
Will you still play, when all the rest of us are dead?
【3:03 敲槌】
Auctioneer:Lot 666, then: a chandelier in pieces.
Auctioneer:Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera: a mystery never fully explained. We are told, ladies and gentlemen, that this is the very chandelier which figures in the famous disaster. Our workshops have repaired it and wired parts of it for the new electric light, so that we may get a hint of how it may look when reassembled.Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little illumination, gentlemen!! !
【3:47 音乐起】
【高潮 5:53 结束】
【0:02 脚步声上台】
Carlotta: (清唱)This trophy from our saviours,
from our saviours!
From the enslaving force of Rome!
【0:38】Girl's chorus: With feasting and dancing and song, tonight in celebration, we greet the victorious throng, returned to bring salvation!
Men's chorus: The trumpets of Carthage resound! Hear, Romans, now and tremble! Hark to our step on the ground!
ALL: Hear the drums -- Hannibal comes! 【1:12】
Piangi:Sad to return to find the land we love threatened once more by Roma's far-reaching grasp,
Reyer: 【打断 】NO NO NO NO!Signor . . . if you please: "Rome". We say "Rome' not "Roma"
Piangi: Si, si, Rome, not Roma. Is very hard for me.
Piangi:Sad to return to find the land we love threatened once more by Rome's far-reaching grasp.
Tomorrow, we shall break the chains of Rome. Tonight, rejoice - your army has come home.
【2:14 脚步声】
Carlotta: Think of me, think of me fondly when we've said goodbye ...
Remember me, Every so often, Please promise me you'll try ...
On that day, that not so distant day,
when you are far away and free,
if you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me ...
Think of me, think of me fondly...
【3:15 顶灯爆炸】
Chorus: The Phantom of the Opera! He's with us, he's a ghost ... He's here! The Phantom of the Opera!
【3:30 听到please入词】
Lefevre: Signora! Are you all right? Buquet! Where is Buquet? Get that man down here! Chief of the flies. He's responsible for this. Buquet! For God's sake, man, what's going on up there?
Buquet:(清唱)Please monsieur don't look at me
as God's my witness
I was not at my post.
【3:50 音乐入】
Buquet:Please monsieur, there's no one there:
Buquet:and if there is, well then, it must be a ghost!!! .
Meg: He's there; the Phantom of the Opera ...