The key to techno-scientific progress? “Bubbles”
From tulips to Bitcoin, bubbles have been given a bad rap as destroyers of dreams — but they’re essential for our brightest future. Here’s why.
从郁金香热到比特币潮,经济泡沫都被认为是背后的罪魁祸首,毁灭了不知多少人的致富梦,但事实上,想要实现人类最光明的未来,经济泡沫扮演着至关重要的作用,原因如下。(译者注:Tulips 指的是17世纪荷兰的郁金香泡沫,即郁金香价格因投机而暴涨,最终在1637年破裂,成为历史上最著名的经济泡沫之一;Bitcoin 即比特币,是一种数字货币,经历了多次价格暴涨暴跌,引发了大量投机行为,被视为现代的泡沫之一。)
If our age is defined by stagnation and stasis, which results from a generalized form of risk intolerance that permeates all of society, how can we break free and reach escape velocity for accelerated technological and scientific progress? In a word: bubbles. ***
现在我们正处于一个停滞和僵化的时代,一种普遍的厌恶风险情绪已经渗透到了社会的各个角落,那么我们如何才能突破这一困境,实现科技的快速进步呢?(译者注:escape velocity(逃逸速度)是一个物理学术语,指的是物体要脱离地球引力所需的最小速度。这里用来象征一个关键的、决定性的转折点,一旦跨越,就能产生飞速发展的动力。)一言以蔽之:经济泡沫。
This might seem counterintuitive at first, since bubbles have funded all kinds of gadgets, fads, and technologies that faded into irrelevance after they burst.
But bubbles are among the most powerful mechanisms we have to boost risk tolerance. They foster precisely the kinds of futuristic and optimistic visions we need in order to arrest and reverse stasis and decline. Under the right conditions, they are ideal exit ramps from the Great Stagnation.
Historically, bubbles are recurrent phenomena.
From tulips to Bitcoin, they’ve formed in a multitude of markets. Yet this familiarity has gained them little favor.
Bubbles, and their subsequent busts, are often described as destabilizing, inefficient, and socially destructive.