Germans are world champions of calling in sick
It’s easy and it pays well
Historically Germany has been a world champion of the rights of workers related to their health. In 1883 Otto von Bismarck, chancellor of the German empire, set up the world’s first statutory health-insurance system with the Health Insurance Act, which included paid sick leave.
在历史上,德国在保障工人健康权益方面就一直走在世界前列。1883年,德意志帝国宰相奥托·冯·俾斯麦(Otto von Bismarck)通过了《健康保险法》,建立了世界上第一个法定健康保险体系,其中就包括了带薪病假制度。
Bismarck’s Krankenversicherungsgesetz was not motivated by concern for workers’ welfare so much as a strategy to beat socialists at their own game. Yet it laid the foundations of Germany’s welfare state and was followed by laws on accident and disability insurance.
俾斯麦推出这项法律并非真正出于对工人福祉的关心(译者注:Krankenversicherungsgesetz 是德语词汇中的《健康保险法》),而更多是作为一种策略,试图在与社会主义者的斗争中占据上风。然而,这一法律为德国的福利国家制度奠定了基础,随后德国又相继出台了事故保险和残疾保险等相关法律。
German bosses are warning that the pioneering policy has become a handicap.
Germany is now “the world champion when it comes to sick days,” according to Oliver Bäte, the boss of Allianz, Europe’s biggest insurer. In an interview with Handelsblatt, a newspaper, Mr Bäte called for a “waiting day” (an unpaid first day of sick leave), which he claimed could save €40bn ($42bn) a year.
欧洲最大保险公司安联集团(Allianz)首席执行官奥利弗·贝特(Oliver Bäte)表示,德国现已成为“请病假的世界冠军”。他在接受《商报》(Handelsblatt)采访时呼吁设立“等待日”制度,即病假第一天不支付工资,他声称此举每年可节省400亿欧元(约合420亿美元)。