The business of nicknames
When they help brands and employees. And when they hurt
The Can of Ham cannot find a buyer. It may be hard to see the Gherkin because the Walkie-Talkie and the Cheesegrater get in the way.
“火腿罐头大厦”挂牌出售已久,却鲜有买家问津,想一睹“酸黄瓜大厦”的风采也非易事,因为“对讲机大厦”和“芝士刨大厦”赫然挡在前头(译者注:这些昵称指的是伦敦四座独特的建筑。The Can of Ham 正式名为 70 St Mary Axe,外观像火腿罐头;The Gherkin 正式名为 30 St Mary Axe,其流线型设计像酸黄瓜;The Walkie-Talkie 正式名为 20 Fenchurch Street,形似对讲机;The Cheesegrater 正式名为 The Leadenhall Building,外形像刮芝士的工具)。
London’s skyline is made of glass, steel and nicknames.
Sometimes these names start out as criticism: the city’s tallest building got its name when it was described as a “shard of glass through the heart of historic London” by a heritage group.
But in time, they denote familiarity and, often, affection.
On December 13th the City of London approved plans for a new skyscraper that will be as tall as the Shard; the chances are high that it will eventually wind up with a sobriquet based on its shape.
There are good reasons why buildings acquire monikers. The Bottle Opener resonates more than the World Financial Centre Shanghai; the Lipstick Building is easier to remember than 885 Third Avenue.