Frank storms in, a rubber syringe in his hand.
FRANK:What the hell are you going to do with this?
APRIL: And what do you think you're going to do? You're going to stop me?
FRANK:You're damn right!
APRIL:Go ahead and try!
FRANK:Listen. Listen to me. You do this - you do this and I swear to God I'll -
APRIL:You'll what? You'll leave me? Is that a threat, or a promise?
He shakes it in her face.
FRANK:When did you buy this, April? I want to know!
APRIL:You know you really are being melodramatic about the whole thing. As long as it's done in the first twelve weeks, it's perfectly safe.
FRANK:That's now April! Don’t I get a say?
APRIL:Of course, you do! It would be for you, Frank, don't you see? So, you can have time. Like we talked about.
FRANK:How can it be for me if the thought makes my stomach turn over?