BoJack Horseman S03E09
时间:2007 Princess Carolyn在办公室,
PC叹气 [0:13]
PC手机铃声响起 [0:14]
PC:BoJack! Beautiful day, huh?
Perfect day to go outside, not read the trades
or talk to anyone in the industry
or watch entertainment television
or have a gut feeling about the ratings
for your television show last night.
#gut feeling [ɡʌt ˈfiːlɪŋ] 直觉
Bojack:Princess Carolyn, I'm dying.
PC:Damn it, you read the trades.
Bojack:My heart is in my stomach, my stomach is in my butt ,
and my butt ran away with the spoon.
PC:That makes sense because your butt is quite a dish.
# dish [dɪʃ] a sexually attractive person 性感
Bojack:Can you come over? I need you.
Princess Carolyn 挂断电话,前往Bojack家
PC:What the...?
Bojack:I ordered a few feel-better pizzas to feel better.
It did not work.
Then I sprinkled happy pills on them,
and washed it all down with a
"Please, God, make my pain go away"
Vermouth and ice cream float.
- Somehow I feel worse.
# sprinkle 英[ˈsprɪŋkl] v.撒; 洒
#vermouth 英[vɜːˈmuːθ] 味美思酒, 苦艾酒
PC:- That's a real mystery.
Bojack:My show was terrible.
Why did I insist on a mockumentary format?
It's already an overused trope now, in 2007.
# trope 英[trəʊp] 美[troʊp] 比喻修辞
#mockumentary [mʌŋkjuˈmentri] 伪纪录片
PC:Hey! Mockumentary is not a trope,
it's a device for storytelling.
And your show is daring and cutting edge.
People just aren't ready.
#cutting edge 尖端、前沿、领先的
#daring 大胆的 原型:dare
Bojack:Yeah. Yeah, people! It's not me.
It's the people that are the problem!
Everyone's dumb and I am great.
Why do I always forget that?
PC:That's the spirit.
Bojack:I'm starting to think this show
is the best thing that happened to me.
PC:- Really?
Bojack:- Yeah.
Cuz it made me realize
you're the best thing that happened to me,
with your sexy cat eyes
and your cute little hair curl.
You look like a soft serve strawberry ice cream.
Bojack kisses Princess Carolyn
#curl 美 [kɜːrl] 卷曲
PC:BoJack, we can't. I'm your agent.
Bojack:You are so much more than that.
You're my lighthouse, my Garmin.
You're the little plastic table they put in pizza boxes
to keep the pizza from getting smushed.
You're Princess Carolyn.
#smuch [ smʌʃ ] 压,crush or smash.
#Garmin [ɡɑmin] 地图软件
Princess Carolyn 对熟睡的Bojack说
PC:Don't you break my heart, BoJack Horseman.
Bojack:- What?
PC:- What? Nothing.
Bojack:Did you just say something to me?
PC:No, I was just being wistful, I guess.
#wistful ˈwɪs(t)fʊl, 茫然的,遗憾的憧憬着,(对已不可能发生之事)徒然神往的
Bojack:Well, can you be wistful a little quieter?
Not everyone is interested in your wist.
PC:Okay, BoJack.
Bojack:- You smell nice.
Bojack:- Thanks, BoJack.
餐馆人声和jazz piano
2016 Bojack在餐馆等PC,PC打着电话走向Bojack
PC:Okay, gotta go.
I'm about to meet my most important client.
Bojack:I know you're not really on the phone.
PC:Bye, Mr. President.
PC:Give my love to your basketball friends. You too.
PC:So, should we get dinner, or are you just thinking drinks?
Bojack:- I'm not planning on staying long.
PC:- Oh, okay.
PC:I'm glad you wanted to meet,
because I am so pumped to tell you
all about the exciting projects I'm lining up for you.
#pumped excited 激动的
Bojack:That won't be necessary.
PC:Once you get your Oscar nom,
we'll have our pick. That's the key.
You think Halle Berry would've been offered Catwoman
if she wasn't an Oscar winner?
We just gotta find you your Catwoman.
#nom nomination 英 [ˌnɒmɪˈneɪʃn] 提名
Bojack:I'm not sure if a Catwoman
is really the best thing for my career right now.
PC:Right, well, like I said, we are getting lots of offers.
Bojack:Listen, Princess Carolyn--
PC:I know you're not happy
about what happened with the Kelsey project.
I get it. I pushed a little too hard
to get you the money you deserve.
What can I say?
Sometimes I'm too good of an agent, so deals fall apart.
That's a thing that happens when agents are really good.
Bojack:- That's not—
PC:- Moving forward!
I know you're not happy with how I handled Ethan Around.
Bojack:- Or didn't handle it.
PC:- Bygones!
It was just because I was busy getting you the Pegasus movie,
which I know you did not get,
but trust me, you'll see not getting these movies
was the best thing that ever happened to you.
Onwards and upwards! Tally ho! To the stars!
#Bygones [ˈbaɪɡɔːnz] 往事
#upwards 英[ˈʌpwədz] 向上 onwards 想前 Tally ho 英[ˌtæli ˈhəʊ] 发现目标
Bojack:Okay, you're forcing me to use the cards.
Bojack:"Princess Carolyn, clear throat,
I have been very disappointed--"
PC:Ring! Hello, Your Highness.
It's a king, I have to take this. In the bathroom.
Princess Carolyn来到洗手间,很着急
PC:Oh, fish, oh, fish!
All right pink lady, Think!