The Art of Allowing: Defined
Jerry: Abraham, this next subject, I would say, has had the most impact in the way of new understanding for me because I'd never thought of it from the perspective and with the clarity that you have, and that's the Art of Allowing. Would you speak about it?
Abraham: We are most eager to help you remember your role in the Art of Allowing because a deliberate understanding and application of this Law brings everything together for you. In other words, the Law of Attraction just is, whether you understand that it is or not. It is always responding to you and giving you accurate results, which always match what you are thinking about. But a deliberate application of the Art of Allowing requires that you be consciously aware of the way you feel so that you choose the direction of your thoughts. An understanding of this Law is what determines whether you create intentionally or by default.
We have put the Art of Allowing in this order, following the Law of Attraction, first; and the Science of Deliberate Creation, second, because the Art of Allowing cannot begin to be understood until the first two are.
What we mean by the Art of Allowing is: I am that which I am, and I am pleased with it,joyful in it.And you are that which you are, and while it is different perhaps from that which I am, it is also good. . .. Because I am able to focus upon that which I want, even if there are those differences between us that are dramatic, I do not suffer negative emotion because I am wise enough not to focus upon that which brings me discomfort.I have come to understand,as I am one who is applying the Art of Allowing, that I have not come forth into this physical world to get everyone to follow the "truth" that I think is the truth. I have not come forth to encourage conformity or sameness-for I am wise enough to understand that in sameness, in conformity, there is not the diversity that stimulates creativity. In focusing upon bringing about conformity, I am pointed toward an ending rather than to a continuing of creation.
And so, the Art of Allowing is absolutely essential to the continuation or the survival of this species, of this planet, and of this Universe, and that continuation is powerfully allowed from the broader perspective of Source. You, from your physical perspective, may not be allowing your own expansion, and when you do not, you feel rotten. And when you do not allow another, you feel rotten.
When you see a situation that bothers you and you decide that you will do nothing to try to stop it or change it, you are tolerating the situation. That is very different from what we mean by allowing. Allowing is the art of finding a way of looking at things that still allows your connection to your Inner Being at the same time. It is achieved by selectively sifting through the data of your time-space reality and focusing upon things that feel good. It is about using your Emotional Guidance System to help you determine the direction of your thoughts.
Shouldn't I Protect Myself from Others' Thoughts?
Jerry: The question that was difficult for me in the beginning of this was: How do we protect ourselves from others who are thinking differently from us, differently enough that they might invade our space, so to speak, in some way?
Abraham: Good. That is why we said that before you can understand and accept the Art of Allowing, you must first understand the Law of Attraction and the Science of Deliberate Creation. For, certainly, if you do not understand how something is coming unto you, then you are fearful of it. If you do not understand that others cannot come into your experience unless you invite them through thought, then of course you would worry about what others are doing. But when you understand that nothing will come into your experience unless you invite it through your thought-with emotional thought and great expectation-then unless you actually accomplish this delicate creative balance, you will not receive it.
When you understand these powerful Universal Laws, you no longer feel a need for walls, barricades, armies, wars, or jails; for you understand that you are free to create your world as you want it to be, while others are creating their world as they choose it to be, and their choices don't threaten you. You cannot enjoy your absolute freedom without this knowledge.
In this physical world, there are those things that you are in absolute harmony with, and there are those things that you are in absolute disharmony with-and there is some of everything in between. But you have not come forth to destroy or contain that which you do not agree with, for that is a continually changing thing. Instead, you have come forth to identify, moment by moment, segment by segment, day by day, and year by year, what it is you want, and to use the power of your thought to focus upon it and to allow the power of the Law of Attraction to draw it unto you.
We Are Not Vulnerable to the Behaviors of Others
The reason most are not willing to allow what some others are doing is because, in their lack of understanding of the Law of Attraction, they incorrectly believe that the unwanted experience can seep or jump into their experience. As they live unwanted experiences, or see others doing so, they assume that since no one would deliberately choose these bad experiences, the threat must be real. They fear that if others are allowed to behave in that way, it will spread into their own experience. In their lack of understanding of the Law of Attraction, they feel defensive and vulnerable, so walls are constructed, and armies are assembled from this place of vulnerability, but to no avail. For pushing against these unwanted things only produces more of them.
We are not offering these words so that you may free your world from all of its contrast, for the very contrast you would like to eliminate is responsible for the expansion of All-That-Is. We offer these words because we understand that it is possible for you to live joyful lives amidst the enormous variety that exists. These words are being offered to assist you in finding the personal freedom that you will experience only when you understand and apply the Laws of the Universe.
Until the first two Laws are understood and applied, the Art of Allowing cannot be understood or applied, for it is not possible for you to be willing to allow others until you understand that what they do and what they say need not affect you. Because your feeling-one that comes from the very core of your Being-is so very powerful that, because you want to preserve your own self, you cannot and will not allow one who threatens that.
These Laws that we are presenting to you are Eternal, which means that they are forever. These Laws are Universal, which means that they are everywhere. They are Absolute, whether you know that they are or not; they exist, whether you accept that they exist or not-and they influence your life, whether you know that they do or not.