The Magical Process of Segment Intending
Jerry: Abraham, my feeling is that the combination of the ingredients of the Law of Attraction, the Science of Deliberate Creation, and the Art of Allowing . . . and then added to that, this next one, the Segment Intending Process, seems to comprise the total recipe for making things happen in general. Would you speak to us about the Segment Intending Process.
Abraham: Once you understand that you are the creator of your experience, then you will want to identify more clearly what you desire so that you may allow it into your experience. Because until you have stopped to identify what you really want, there is not a possibility of Deliberate Creation.
You do not want the same thing in every segment of your life experience. In fact, in every day, there are many segments that carry many different intentions. And so, the point of this Segment Intending essay is to help you understand the value of stopping many times during your day to identify what it is you want most so that you may add emphasis, and therefore power, unto that.
There is very little that you are actually living in this day that is a result of only what you are thinking in this day. But whenever you are stopping, segment by segment, and identifying what it is you want in this segment, you are setting forth thoughts that begin to prepave your future experience whenever you are entering segments that are similar.
In other words, let us say that you are getting into your vehicle and you are alone, so intending communication with someone else, or clarity of listening to what another is saying, is not a very important intention. But intending safety and smooth-flowing traffic, and arriving refreshed and on time are intentions that are very well placed in this segment as you are traversing from one place to another. The identification of your intention as you are entering this segment of driving not only affects this segment, but it sets forth a prepaving into your future so that at future times when you are getting into your vehicle, you will have, in fact, prepaved or created circumstances and events that will be to your liking.
It is possible that, in the beginning, even though you are identifying, segment by segment, what you want, there will still be some momentum from past thoughts that you have set forth. But in time, as you are setting forth, segment by segment, what you want, you will have prepaved a path before you that is very much to your liking. And then you will not have to take so much action in the moment to get things to be the way you want them.
I Can Segment-Intend My Success
Technically, all of your creative power is in this moment. But you are projecting it not only into this moment,but also into the future that exists for you. And so, the more you are willing to stop and identify what you want in this segment, then the greater, clearer, and more magnificent your future path will be. And each of your moments will be better and better and better, also.
The purpose of this essay is to offer, to those who want it, a practical process with which to put into immediate practice the primary Laws of the Universe, in order to give you absolute and deliberate control of your life experience. And while to some, this may seem to be a very broad overstatement, for it seems to most that you cannot control the experiences of your life, we want you to know that you can.
We have come forth to assist those of you who are here, now focused in physical bodies, to understand specifically how you attract everything you are attracting-and to assist you in understanding that nothing comes to you unless you invite it through your thought. And that once you begin looking into your life experience and begin to see the absolute correlation between what you are speaking, what you are thinking, and what you are getting, then you will clearly understand that, indeed, you are the inviter, you are the attractor, and you are the creator of your physical experience.
These Times Are the Best of Times
You are living in a wonderful time, in a highly technologically advanced society where you have access to stimulation of thought from all around your world. Your access to that information is of great benefit, for it provides you with the opportunity for expansion, but it can also be a source of immense confusion.
Your ability to focus upon a narrower subject brings forth more clarity, while your ability to focus upon many things at once more often brings confusion. You are receptive Beings; your thought processes are very fast, and as you are considering only one subject, you have the ability, by the power of the Law of Attraction, to bring forth more and more clarity upon that subject until you can literally accomplish anything regarding it. But because of the availability in your society of so much stimulation of thought, very few of you remain focused upon any one subject long enough to take it forward very far. Most of you find yourselves so distracted that you do not have an opportunity to develop any one thought to any great degree.
The Purpose and Value of Segment Intending
And so, Segment Intending is the process of deliberate identification of what is specifically wanted for this moment in time. It is done with the intent of bringing forth from all of the confusion of what is considered to be your total life experience, your awareness of what you most want in this particular moment. And as you take a moment to identify what that intention is, you bring forth tremendous power from the Universe, and all of it is funneled into this very specific moment in which you now stand.
Think of your thoughts as magnetic. (Indeed, everything within your Universe is magnetic, drawn unto that which is like unto itself.)And so, whenever you are contemplating or focusing upon even a small negative thought, by the power of the Law of Attraction-it will grow larger. If you are feeling particularly disappointed or sad, you will find yourself attracting others who are not feeling much different, for the way you feel is your point of attraction. And so, if you are unhappy, you will attract more of that which makes you unhappy. Whereas if you feel good, you will attract more that you consider to be good.
Since you attract or invite into your experiences the others with whom you interact; the people who surround you in traffic; the people you rendezvous with while shopping; the people you meet while you're walking; the subjects that people discuss with you; the way you are treated by your waiter at the restaurant; the waiter assigned to you at the restaurant; the money that flows into your experience; the way your physical body looks and feels; the people you date (this list could go on to include everything in your experience)-it is of value to understand the power of your now moment in time. The point of the Segment Intending Process is to clearly direct your thought to those things that you want to experience by identifying the elements of life that are most important to you in this particular segment of your life.
When we say to you that you are the creator of your experience, and there is nothing in your experience that you have not invited, sometimes we are met with resistance. The resistance comes because many of you have things in your life that you do not want. And so, you say, "Abraham, I would not have created this thing that I do not want." We agree, you would not have done it on purpose, but we will not agree that you have not done it. For it is through your thought-and only through and by your thought-that you are getting the things that you are getting. But until you are ready to accept that you are the creator of your experience, then there is not much that will be offered here that will be of value to you.
The Law of Attraction affects you, whether you are consciously aware of it or not; and Segment Intending will help you be more aware of the power of your thoughts because the more you deliberately apply it, the more the details of your life will reflect your Deliberate Intent.
Your Society Offers Much Stimulation of Thought
You live in a society that offers much stimulation of thought, and as you are open and receptive to that, you may very well be attracting more thoughts, and thereby more circumstances and events and people than you have the time or desire to deal with.
In just one hour of your exposure to your media, there is tremendous stimulation that is offered to you, and it is not a wonder that you often find yourself absolutely overwhelmed and that many of you have shut down completely, closed to all things, because there is so much coming to you so fast.
This Segment Intending Process will offer you the solution, for as you are reading the words that are offered here, your confusion will be replaced with absolute clarity; your feeling of being out of control will be replaced by a feeling of being in control; and for many of you, a feeling of stagnation will be replaced with a glorious, invigorating feeling of fast-forward motion.
Confusion comes forth when you are considering too many things at one time, while clarity comes forth while you are more singular in thought-and it all hinges upon the Law of Attraction. As you set forth a thought regarding any subject, the Law of Attraction immediately goes to work to deliver more stimulation of thought regarding that subject. As you are moving from thought to thought to thought to thought, the Law of Attraction is offering you more thought regarding the thought, the thought, and the thought. And that is the reason you often find yourself feeling overwhelmed, for by the Law of Attraction, you have now summoned information upon a great many subjects.
In many cases, that information will come forth from your past; in many cases, it will come forth from those who are closest to you, but the end result is all the same: You are considering so many things that you are moving forward in no one specific direction-and the result, of course, is a feeling of frustration or confusion.
From Confusion to Clarity to Deliberate Creation
As you choose any one primary subject that you want to ponder, the Law, the Universe, will deliver unto you more regarding that specific thought. But instead of many thoughts coming from many directions-even conflicting, opposing directions-the thoughts and the events that now come forth will all be in harmony with the primary thought that you have set forth. And thus, there will be a feeling of clarity, and even more important than the feeling of clarity will be the understanding that you are moving forward in your creation. When you consider many subjects at the same time, you generally do not move forward strongly toward any of them, for your focus and your power is diffused,whereas if you are focusing upon that which is most important in any point in time, you move forward more powerfully toward that.