Space Beth
【3】Summer:青春期犯花痴的碎嘴女高。Dr Wong:Rick家的心理医生,很有职业素养。
【5】Jerry:普信,家庭地位最低,但偶尔会创造奇迹。doctoR:星际医生。Birdperson:Rick的至交,人如其名。Phoenix Person:被宇宙联邦改造后的鸟人。
【6】Space Beth:选择去太空追求自我的另一个Beth。
【枪战,-Get us out of here. I'll hold them off.】
【00:10 摘头盔】
Space Beth: My name is Beth Smith. Tell your top bugs the Defiance lives on.
【- I will. I will. I'll make you a legend. Blade Smith.】
Space Beth: (强调)Beth Smith.
【- Beth. Beth. Beth Smith. Okay, God, it's just such a plain... I'm trying to come up with a mnemonic device.】
Space Beth: You could connect it to not dying.
【- I know, I know! You think that would sear it right in, but it just speaks to the sheer forgettability. Oh, God. I-I-I'm, uh, so sorry. Uh, uh, oh, God. Starts with a "B"...】
【00:40 转场】
【- Congratulations to your government, business, or terror cell on its acquisition of the NX-5 Planet Remover by Xamaxax in partnership with Wrangler jeans. The NX-5's industry-leading tachyon beams eliminate planets twice as fast as the NX-4S with half the battery and zero built-in fatal design flaws, as...】
Space Beth: Damn it. We risked our lives for that? You did your best.
doctoR: Maybe you need a break. Don't you ever miss Earth?
Space Beth: I don't have to miss it. I'm technically still there. My dad made a perfect clone of me to take my place.
doctoR: Boy, that Rick. So, if you do go back, what happens to the clone? Does it have, like, a proximity-triggered device in its neck?
Space Beth: Who cares? Are we done?
doctoR: Sure. Unless you want me to remove the proximity-triggered device from your neck. Think it's a bomb? Man, what if this is how you found out he never wanted you back, that he loved the clone more than you? How crazy would that be? Crazy and of course soul-crushing. For you. I actually have something for that. Y-You want some? They're nonaddictive.
BGM- Rick and Morty Theme
【2:14 刀叉声同入】
Beth: Dr Wong had a cancellation today. Anybody up for a family session?
Summer: (异口同声)I could do that.
Morty:(异口同声)I'm down to clown.
Jerry: Ooh, not sure my therapy puppet will be done in time.
Beth: Great, because she specifically asked you to stop bringing puppets. Dad?
Rick: I love therapy, family therapy most of all, but I am actually disintegrating.
【咻~,Whoa! Oh, my God! Dad!】
Jerry: (紧张)Is that really it? We did it?
Morty: (见怪不怪)It's the invisibility belt.
【2:43 重击】
Rick: (吃痛)He grazed them. That's gonna hurt in like 10 seconds. Thanks, Morty.
Morty: Why should I let you use it? You never let me use it.
Summer: Can I have the belt? It would really piss off Morty.
Rick: Fantastic idea.
Morty: What the hell?! You jerk! Give it! Hey! Ow!
Beth: Share the invisibility! Jerry?
Jerry: (状况外)Ooh, this looks like a job for Mr. Nibbles. Let me just glue one more eye on.
Morty: I'm gonna kill you!(追出门)
Rick: Woof. Looks like you two have to fight about why you can't control your kids. Good thing Dr Wong's got an opening. Bye.
Beth: (埋怨)You're a bad father.
Jerry: Don't let him divide us.
【3:24 转场,开门】
Rick: Garage, family therapy mode.
Rick: (松了口气)(讪笑)Honey, you're back.
Space Beth: You seem surprised.
Rick: You never wrote.
Space Beth: And never exploded?
Rick: What I'm hearing is that you THINK that's a bomb.
Space Beth: So does every engineer that's seen it.
Rick: Engineer? Princess, I'm sure every caveman that sees a microwave calls it a rock cabinet. The point of inventing is to make things that don't exist.
Space Beth: Then whip me up a reason not to kill you.
Beth: (混响)Dad? We're off to Dr Wong's.
Rick: Scan her.
【4:03 扫描】
Beth: (混响)Dad?
Space Beth: (模拟Rick的声音)Okay, have fun, pumpkin. Sorry I'm a piece-of-shit father.
Beth: (混响)Oh, ha-ha! Well, the self-loathing buys a lot back. Jerry, leave the puppet.
Jerry: (混响)It's a one-way ticket to a breakthrough, Beth.
Rick: The device in her neck would have transferred a database of her memories to your device before vaporizing her. So much for that plan.
Space Beth: Why is she... it... why am I back with Jerry? I thought she was a copy of me.
Rick: She is a copy of you. If she ran back to that dingleberry, that's on you. Want to grab a drink?
Space Beth: All the time.
Rick: Good girl.
【4:41 转场,翻东西,扫描】
Morty: To catch a predator.
Summer: What the hell?!
Morty: Thermal goggles, bitch. Mom said share.
Summer: You can't share invisibility. Take those off.
Summer: So I'll just see you at cheerleader practice? Should I bring a poncho?
Morty: All right! State your terms.