Cop Morty
Cop Rick
Teacher Rick
Candidate Morty
Rick J-22
Campaign Manager Morty
【1】Cop Rick:新入职的瑞克警察。Narrator:新闻栏目的画外音。Juggling Rick:总统竞选人之一。Negotiator Rick:谈判专家(自称)。Lizard Morty:蜥蜴人形态。
【2】Cop Morty:混了多年的老油条莫蒂警察。Rick D716-C:新闻播报员-C。Fat Morty:多肉形态。
【3】Candidate Morty:看上去平易近人,一直带着笑意,实际上很有手腕。Slick:忧郁男孩
【4】Big Morty:黑道老大。Rick J-22:威化工厂的革命员工。Rick D716:新闻播报员。Investigator Rick: 神秘风衣男。Retired General Rick:总统竞选人之一。Glasses Morty:眼镜男孩
【5】Rick D. Sanchez III:瑞城世家大亨。Campaign Manager Morty:不得志的竞选经理。Rick D716-B:新闻播报员-B。Supervisor Rick:威化工厂主管。Teacher Rick:莫蒂学校的老师。
BGM- In the City
【0:24】Citadel Morning News: News about the Citadel in the morning. Pretty self explanatory.
Rick D716-B: Good morning. I'm Rick D716-B.
Rick D716: And I'm Rick D716.
Rick D716-B: Must be nice.
Rick D716: Coming up! Gravity outages in East Sanchez Heights!
Rick D716-B: And, is your uranium-powered cellular matrix making you sick? The answer may not surprise you. It's 'yes, it's uranium.'
Rick D716: Those stories and more after this break.
【0:51 音乐起同入】
BGM- A Song For Love
Narrator: Sixteen iterations off the central finite curve, there's a Rick that works more with wood than polarity plating. His name is Simple Rick, but he's no dummy. He realized long ago that the greatest thing he'd ever create was his daughter.
【1:12】Young Beth: I love Daddy!
Narrator: We captured that moment and run it on a loop through Simple Rick's mind. And the chemical that makes his brain secrete goes into every Simple Rick's Simple Wafer Cookie. Come home to the impossible flavor of your own completion. Come home to Simple Rick's.
【1:34 转场】
Rick D716: Just one day remains before our newly democratic Citadel elects its first president. It's anyone's race among the Rick candidates.
Rick D716-B: But a certain other candidate should be getting at least one vote for most adorable.
Rick D716: That's right, the Morty Party candidate's still in the race, and you just gotta love him for that.
Rick D716: Here you see him in his little Morty suit, waving. Isn't that adorable? Little jackass.
Rick D716-B: Uh, yeah, I think we actually have the audio for his speech here. (模仿莫蒂说话)"Aw geez, aw man, I'm gonna lose the election and stuff."
【2:13 转场】
Campaign Manager Morty: We had a good run, sir, but I think it's time to pull out of the race.
Candidate Morty: I feel pretty confident about tonight's debate.
Campaign Manager Morty: You shouldn't, sir. You should be terrified.
Candidate Morty: Maybe you should find a little faith, young man.
Campaign Manager Morty: You don't pay me to have faith! And we're the same age!
【2:34 转场,游行,悬浮车落地,车窗摇下】
Cop Rick: Oh! S-sorry, I was expecting-
Cop Morty: (打断)A Rick partner? Lesson one, rookie: expect the unexpected. Now get in.
-Mortys are human!
Cop Morty: (语速快)Get the fxxk off the car, you Rickless fxxkin' animal!
【3:00 电击声 WHOA!!】
Cop Morty: The election's got these yellow shirts more riled up than a Picture Day Jessica.
Cop Rick: That's pretty harsh, sir.
Cop Morty: So report me. Nobody gives a fxxk.
Cop Rick: Look, I'm just saying. Makes me a little sad to hear a Morty cop calling Mortys "animals".
Cop Morty: Well, it makes me sad to see another Rick cop buying into his sensitivity training.
Cop Rick: Well, I'm glad to know there's more like me.
Cop Morty: Oh, there was one. Why do you think that seat was empty?
【3:31 提示音】
-Robbery at Fifth and (burp)Avenue.
Cop Rick: Fifth and...? That's Mortytown.
Cop Morty: Unit 7 responding.
【3:40 电击开道,警笛,转场】
Teacher Rick: "Good idea, Rick."
其余所有人: Good idea, Rick.
Teacher Rick: "This is a great adventure."
其余所有人: This is a great adventure.
Teacher Rick: "I love being your new Morty."
其余所有人: I love being your new Mor...
Slick: (同时)I love being your new Farty!
Teacher Rick: (咄咄逼人)Very amusing, Mr. Smith. Almost as amusing as when your first Rick was decapitated on Zorpathion 9. Or was that your third Rick? How many Ricks have you had?
Slick: Five…
Teacher Rick: I see. So you are top of the class in something. Tomorrow you will be transferred to your new Ricks. Hopefully, they will be your last. Yes, Slow Ric-(改口)Tall Morty?
【4:26】Tall Morty: Di-Did I gragitate this time yet?
Teacher Rick: Anything's possible, Tall Morty.(嫌弃)Ugh…
Lizard Morty: Guess we won't be seein' each other after this, huh?
Slick: I say we make our last day count. I say… we go to the Wishing Portal.
Glasses Morty: That's a myth.
Fat Morty: It's not a myth! M-m-my first Rick's fourth Morty knew a Rick whose Morty went there.
Lizard Morty: If we're not here for graduation, our butts are gonna end up in Mortytown.
Slick: I thought your last Rick fused you with a lizard, not a chicken.
Lizard Morty: Okay, fine. I'm in.
Glasses Morty: Me too.
【5:03 转场,工厂流水线,吹口哨】
Supervisor Rick: Listen up, fxxknuts! I've been your supervisor for five years but all shitty things must come to an end, and I have been promoted to regional manager.
Supervisor Rick: Yeah, I feel the same way. May we never meet again. Of course that makes the position of Supervisor available. So as of next week, the ass you'll be kissing will be that of...(顿两秒)K-83, affectionately known as "Cool Rick."
Cool Rick: I know I'm new to the Citadel and some of you might not think I've put in my time, but what can I say? I'm Cool Rick! Yo, ha-ha-ha, check me out!
Supervisor Rick: Alright, knuckle heads, any questions?