【1】Rick:高智商怪老头,酗酒,嗓音沙哑。M leader:有点憨的邪恶首领。
【4】Beth:独立女性典范,称职的母亲。alieN:看门的小外星人。M's wife:邪恶首领的妻子。T's wife:Tony的妻子。Susan:Tony的同事。
【5】Jerry:普信,家庭地位最低,但偶尔会创造奇迹。Tony:有思想有温度,瑞克的朋友。 T's dad:Tony的父亲。
BGM- Rick and Morty Theme
【0:34 拍瓶底】
Rick: We're out of syrup. Huh. You know what? Maybe I'll use my intern. Glootie?
Glootie: Good?
Rick: Thanks, Glootie.
Glootie: Anything else? Do you want to develop an app?
Rick: No thanks, Glootie.
Morty: Hey, what's up, Glootie?
Glootie: Hi, Morty. Do you want to develop an app?
Morty: No thanks.
Jerry: Rick, why does it say, "Do not develop my app," on your intern's forehead?
Glootie: Why, you want to develop one?
Rick: Ah, I'm glad you asked that, Jerry. It's so you don't develop his app. Glootie, go make some photocopies of something.
Glootie: Cool. Well, if anyone wants to develop an app with me, I'm down.
Beth: He seems to really want to develop an app.
Rick: He really does, sweetie, but nobody's gonna do that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a quick solo adventure to go on, and this one will not be directed by Ron Howard.
Summer: He's gonna go poop. When Grandpa Rick pats his belly like that and leaves without Morty, it means he's going to go poop. He's a shy pooper. He has a secret pooping place.
【1:37 Rick: Man, fxxk you, Summer.】
Beth: Honey, why can't you get this excited about your SATs?
Jerry: Well, I'm man enough to simply say, "I'm going to poop," and I'd be honored to have Ron Howard involved.
Beth: (敷衍)Good job, hon.
Summer: (敷衍)Way to go, Dad.
Morty: (敷衍)We're rooting for ya.
【1:51 冲水,开门】
Jerry: He's really putting you to work, huh?
Glootie: Did you want to develop an app?
Jerry: I'll pass, Glootie.
Glootie: Hmm, your loss.
Jerry: Oh, yeah? Why's that?
Glootie: Eh, it's an app you'd want to develop.
Jerry: Can I ask what it is?
Glootie: Of course you can. That's always the first step in app development.
Jerry: Ah,ha ha......50/50, final offer!
【2:29 转场,开香槟】
Morty: (急)What are you guys doing? Did you develop an app?
Jerry: Rule number one in app development, son. never follow the rules.
Morty: Except when the rule is tattooed on an alien's forehead, Dad! Why do you think Rick would have that rule?
Jerry: 'Cause he's a disrupt-o-phobe.
Morty: No, Dad, no! To keep something horrible from happening, something he's too lazy to explain!
Glootie: Guys, we're getting our first users.
【2:55 人脸扫描,匹配ing】
BGM- Borrowed Time
Summer: Whoa, this new app just matched me with a guy that is su my ty. Super my type. Learn to abbre(手机被抢)Hey!
Beth: Your su ty works at Jersey Mike's and sees 25 Phish shows a year.
Summer: That is so Danny.
Danny: Summer!
Summer: Danny?
Danny: Summer Smith?
Summer: Danny Publits from Lovefinderrz with two "R's" and a "Z"?
Danny: (恋爱脑)I ran all the way here while staring at your profile.I tripped on a fire hydrant and fell down, so I'm covered in gravel that stuck to my sweat. And even after a shower, I'll still be into a jam band for old junkies, but I think this world cares too much about bands and too little about love. And I think I love you.
Summer: Me, too.
Beth: Hiii, I'm my underaged daughter's mother. Nice to(被推到一边)whoa! Come on. Just met!
【3:49 Uh, this isn't working. Wait. What are you...Never mind. I quit, I'm gay, and I love Xander.】
Beth: Stupid phones are destroying us.
Jerry: Hey, sweetie.
Beth: Honey, our daughter ran off with a Frisbee golfer because of some app with a really dumb, really forgettable name. Like a really dumb, uncreative, super sweaty name. Anyway, I'll be late. I love you.
Jerry: Got it. I love you, too. (叹气)Okay, Glootie, take the app down.
Glootie: Can't take it down. I'm just an intern.
【4:25 Morty砸电脑】
Glootie: Uh, that's not how apps work.
Morty: Then make it how it works!
Glootie: (被扯衣领)This isn't how making things work works.
Morty: Get...get it off the server. Y-You think we're stupid, but we're not. We know apps have something to do with servers.
Glootie: The server's on the mother ship.
Morty: Where's the mother ship?
Glootie: It's coming.
Jerry: Take us to it.
Glootie: No.
Jerry: Yes. Shake him more, Morty. That was working.
Morty: (摇摇乐)Take us to the mother ship.