主持人。。。Kenan Thompson
Lisa G… Cecily Strong
Benedict…Russell Crowe(我最喜欢的新西兰电影演员)
Tod… Beck Bennett
Jason… Pete Davidson
Emerald: 除了有一点爱显摆,三观还算正常的相亲节目主持人。黑人口音。
Lisa: 一位33岁单身轻熟少妇。在相亲节目上突出一个geeky的闷骚口音。
Benedict: 相亲节目男嘉宾1,一位操着德国口音的叫兽【认真跟OST学】,知识渊博但又出乎意料的谦虚。语速很慢,突出一个梳着ponytail的你大爷的老成持重。
Tod: 相亲节目男嘉宾2,一个身材志坚的网络平面麻豆,且能歌善舞【跟OST学唱腔】。
Jason: 相亲节目男嘉宾3,百思买修电脑的,主要突出一个从不正经到被你大爷折服的感觉
Male voice: You’re watching Game Show Network. At 10, it’s White Jeopardy. But up now, it’s Match Finders.
Emerald: 【音乐减弱就可以入了】Hello and welcome to Match Finders. I am your host Emerald Mike Biskane, 【停半秒】and I’m sorry I’m late but a teenager ran up behind me and punched me in the back of the head. 【停一秒,自嘲的语气】Hope you got it to the crips【瘸子帮笑话】, son. 【停两秒】Let’s meet our lucky bachelorette.
Lisa: 【有点拘谨的】Hi, Emerald~
Emerald: Her name is Lisa G. She’s 23 years old, 【笑着说】and she’s a lot of fun~~~
Lisa: 【飞速解释一波】Oh, um, I’m actually 33. 【小尴尬的】Not 23.
Emerald: 【飞速入, 到fun都快速说】You’s not that fun either【这个也就很过分】.
Emerald:【停一秒】But I’m trying to sell a lifestyle here~ Let’s meet our eligible bachelors.
Emerald: 【跟着音乐同时入】Tod....................... is an Instagram model with a glass eye.
Tod: 【有点懊悔这么实诚了】Oh, I didn’t know you were going to read that out loud.
Emerald: Jason...................... is an electronic specialist at Bestbuy.
Jason: 【贱贱的语气】I’ll hook you up and then I’ll hook up with you. Damn!
Emerald: And Benedict。。。 is A quote 【停顿一下】"Smart professor from Germany”.
Benedict: 【德腔,慢行】I was raised in a house full of women. So as you can imagine, I know my way around a woman’s body~
Emerald:【停一秒,被震惊的语气】 Alright. 【停半秒,拉长】Lisa, why don’t you ask these bachelors the first question?
Lisa: 【这是读写在卡片上已经准备好的问题,慢速】Okay. I’m a girl that likes to be pampered. How would you make sure that I’ve had a good time on our first date?
Tod: 【提前备好了题,而信心满满的】I would take you to Treasure Bay Spa for a massage. And then we’d go for a late dinner at Dorsia. And if things go well, 【停半秒,突然不正经起来】you’d also be joining me for breakfast~~【讪笑】Heh-heh.
Lisa: 【等BGM3的woo声音结束再入】Woooooooooo, I like that. Bachelor number two?
Jason: 【显然得是很chill的语气】I’d make you dinner at home and then we could watch a movie. Although................【停一秒,突然不正经起来】 if things go well, 【停半 秒】I’m not sure we’ll do much watching.
Lisa: 【等BGM4的Hmmm的声音完再入】Hmmmmmm, I like the sound of that. Bachelor number three, how would you make sure that I have a good time?
Benedict: 【德腔,慢行】Well...【停半秒】 First, 【停一秒】 I would massage your labia majora.
Benedict:【此处要卡BGM,起哄声音消失立刻入】And then I would mount a subtle yet focused campaign on your clitoris.
Emerald: 【因为被震惊到目瞪口呆,等起哄的声音,起哄声音消失入,不可置信的语气】Huh!!!! Well, there are no wrong answers on Match Finders, but............................【无语,停两秒】 Damn! That was close!
Benedict: 【有点惊讶的,莫非还有人能跟我一个层次?】Uhh.....I’m sorry. Did someone say that one already?
Emerald: 【有点生气的】Nah, son, they sure didn’t! 【停一秒,对着Lisa轻声一点的】 Go ahead, Lisa.
Lisa:【这是读写在卡片上已经准备好的问题,慢速】Bachelors, 【停半秒】 I love to learn new things. 【停半秒, 很慢的】Tell me something I don’t know.
Tod: Uhh.. 【有点小卖弄的语气】You wouldn’t guess by looking at me, but I’m actually a pretty good dancer. 【手舞足蹈,同时唱起来】A-cha-cha-cha....A-cha-cha-cha.....
Benedict:【德腔,慢行】Well. 【停一秒】You wouldn’t guess it 【停一秒】 by looking at it, 【停一秒】 but the human vagina 【停半秒】has three distinct holes. 【停半秒】 The urethra, the vulva, and of course, 【停半秒】the anus hole.
Emerald: 【yelling】 Hey!! what are you doing??! This is a nice girl.
Benedict:【德腔,慢行】As I said, Emerald, 【停半秒】I grew up the only boy 【停半秒】in a house full of very very old women.
Emerald: 【超嫌弃的】That makes it worse!!!!!!
Lisa: 【笑声结束后入,慢速】Bachelor number two?【稍稍有点期待的】 You didn’t answer the question?
Jason: Yea. 【崇拜的语气】I yield all my time to the gentleman with the ponytail, please
Emerald: 【笑着说】Ohh ohhh, wait a minute son. You’re gonna have to be a little more specific. 【蹭热度成功,憨憨的笑】Uh-ha-ha. There’re two of us up here. 【继续憨憨的笑】Ha-ha-ha.
Emerald: Yeah. 【自嗨的笑】Heh-heh-heh, yeah...., yeah...
Lisa:【这是读写在卡片上已经准备好的问题,慢速】Bachelor number three, what would you do to make me feel special?
Emerald: Oh,【救死扶伤的语气】 so you just gonna walk right into traffic. 【不敢直视】Oh!
Benedict: 【停两秒,准备一下施法】First, 【停半秒】I would lay down a beach towel 【停半秒】on the top of the bedsheets, 【停一秒】so that you wouldn’t feel self-conscious【停半秒】 about–【被buzzer声音打断】
Emerald: 【直接物理打断施放魔法】Yeah. I am sorry. Had to download a buzzer app on my phone.
Jason: 【好奇宝宝忍不住好奇的请教,拜师的语气】Are you like a doctor or something?【关于他为啥是好奇宝宝,请看本号47270里化名为Kenny的那个人】
Benedict: No~~ No~~~~ 【超级谦虚的】 Just a very enthusiastic amateur. 【停一秒,吸一口气,谦逊的说】 And I am a student of genitals.
Jason: 【被震惊,停一秒】 Okay, this guy kinda rules!
Emerald: He actually 【咬牙切齿的】DOESN'T!
Lisa: Bachelors, what would you say is your biggest fear?
Tod: A bee in my hat.
Jason: Um, ghosts.
Benedict: 【深吸气,深呼气,再说】Getting throat cancer from cunnilingus.
Lisa: 【BGM里笑声停就入,闷骚中忍不住好奇的语气,拉长】Woooooo~, I like that~ Explain?
Emerald: No. Don't!!
Benedict: 【停一秒,叫兽的排场】My doctor says if I munch one more box, 【停一秒】if I ever scarf one more carpet, 【停一秒】if I just chow down on even just one more inchy-binchy doormat, 【停一秒】I will be as dead as Michael Douglas.
Emerald: Michael Douglas is 【咬牙切齿的】alive!
Benedict: 【语重心长的】No man is alive,【停一秒】when you take away that which he loves.
Emerald: That’s it! I’m calling it. Lisa, who do you pick?
Lisa: Ummmmm. Well, I guess the guy who said he was a student of genitals sounded hot.
Emerald: 【无奈的】Everytime! Well, I’m your host, Emerald Mike Biskane, and as I say as conclusions at the end of every show on channel 83, "GET OUT!"