Disclaimer:This play is adapted from the movie Howl's Moving Castle.Copyrights belong to Ghibli. Do not reproduce it to anywhere without my permission.本剧本改编自电影《哈尔的移动城堡》,版权归吉卜力所有。未经许可,禁止转载。
3.该本共 37 min;
4.(1)Witch of the Waste:59,荒野女巫,雍容华贵,执着于美男子尤其是Howl的心脏;后期被剥夺魔法,变成爱撒娇的任性老小孩;
(2)King of Ingary:40+,Suliman老师效忠的国王,发动了战争;
Turnip Head:稻草人,实乃中诅咒的王子
【原声:Look, it's Howl's castle!】
【原声:Wha'? - Where? - Howl?】
【原声:Did you hear what happened to that girl, Martha, from South Haven?They say Howl tore her heart out.】
【原声:Now I’m too scared to go out.】
【原声:What?Don't worry, he only preys on pretty girls.】
[脚步,0:16 展开手中纸条]
Sophie: “Number 6”.But where is it?
Soldier A:(调戏) Hey, looks like a little mouse lost its way.We should take her for a cup of tea.
Sophie: Oh, no... I'm not lost.My sister's expecting me.
Soldier B:(粗犷)She's pretty cute for a mouse.How old are you? You live around here?
Sophie: Leave me alone!
Soldier B:Wow.I think she's even cuter when she's scared.
Howl:There you are sweetheart,sorry I'm late.I was looking everywhere for you.
Soldier A:(威胁)Hey, hey, we're busy here.
Howl :Are you really? It looked to me, like the two of you were just leaving.(施法控制二人)
[1:00士兵被控离去 同]
Howl:Don't hold it against them.They're actually not all that bad.Where to? I'll be your escort this afternoon.
Sophie: Oh, I’m,um, just going to the bakery.
Howl:Don't get alarmed,but I'm being followed.Act normal.
[1:21 怪兽涌出墙面 同]
Howl:Sorry, looks like you're involved.This way.Hold on.
Sophie :(惊慌)
Howl:Now,straighten your legs and start walking.
Sophie :(慢慢平静下来)
Howl:See? Not so hard, is it?You are a natural.
Howl:I'll make sure to draw them off.But wait a bit before you head back outside.
Howl :That's my girl.(飞走)
Lettie:Sophie.What's going on? Someone just told me that you floated down onto our balcony.
Sophie:So that did happen,it wasn't a dream...
Lettie:Let’s find a place to talk.
Sophie :(依然蒙蒙的)He rescued me, Lettie...He was so kind to me...
Lettie:Of course he did, he was trying to steal your heart.If that wizard were Howl,he would've eaten it.
Sophie :(自卑)No, he wouldn't, Howl only does that to beautiful girls.
Lettie:Don't give me that again.Now, Sophie, do you really want to spend the rest of you life in that hat shop?
Sophie:The shop was just so important to father and I'm the eldest, I don't mind.
Lettie:I'm not asking what father would've wanted, I want to know what you want.
Sophie :(转移话题)All right, I'd better get going then.I just wanted to make sure that you were doing okay.
Lettie:It's your life, Sophie, do something for yourself for once, will you?
Sophie:Bye Lettie.
Sophie:I'm sorry, but the shop's closed now, ma"am.I could have sworn I locked that door, must've forgotten.
Witch:What a tacky shop.I've never seen such tacky, little hats.Yet, you're by far the tackiest thing here.
Sophie:I'm afraid you will have to leave now.The door's over there, ma'am, we're closed.
Witch:Standing up to Witch of the Waste,that's plucky.
Sophie :{倒吸气}.The Witch of the Waste?
Witch :[3:45狂风挂过(施法)]The best part of that spell, is you can't tell anyone about it.My regards to Howl.Bye.
Sophie(90):What..what happened?(照镜子)Tha-that's really me? I...I've got to stay calm.
Sophie(90):(再次照镜子)Aaaa?! No.I've got to stay calm.
Sophie(90):It's a bad dream, that's all.Just go inside, go to bed.
Sophie(90):You're gonna be fine, Sophie.You're gonna be fine tomorrow.
Fanny:Sophie?You haven’t come downstairs today.What's wrong.
Sophie(90):Don't come in here.I've got a bad cold.I don't want you to catch it.
Fanny:You sound ghastly...Like some 90 year-old woman.
Sophie(90):I'll stay in bed all day,So you go on.
Fanny:Well... If you insist.(离开)
Sophie(90):(对镜中自己)This isn't so bad,is it?You're still in good shape, and your clothes finally suit you.But you can't stay here like this for long.
【5:08原声:(You're) crazy if you do this, grandma!There's nothing but witches and wizards out there.】
【原声:Sophie(90):Thank you, I'll keep that in mind.】
【原声:She’s going to the Waste by herself.】
【原声:Says she's looking for her younger sister.】
[5:20草地脚步 同]
Sophie(90) :I'll never get there with these legs...(看到一节木棍)That would make a nice cane.
[5:28努力拔出木条 后]
Sophie(90):A scarecrow? But how are you standing on your own, like that?Your head's a turnip.I've always hated turnips, ever since I was little.
[5:42明显寒风吹过 同]
Sophie(90):Why do you get so cold,when you're old?(对稻草人)If you'd like to do me a favour, you could run off and find me a place to stay.
[5:54稻草人跳走 后]
Sophie(90):I seem to become quite cunning in my old age.[又一阵寒风 同] I'm fatter than ever, yet the wind blows right through me.
[6:06蒸汽/机械叮咣 同]
Sophie(90):You turnip-head, that's Howl's castle.That is not what I meant when I asked for a place to stay!
Sophie(90):(探头看里面) It's nice and warm in there,so I'm going in.I'm sure Howl won't eat the heart of a shrivelled, old lady like me. It's been a pleasure meeting you.Even if you are my least favourite vegetable.Take care, Turnip-head.
Sophie(90):What a dump... When I think "Castle",this is not what I picture.
[6:45丁铃铃铃(钢琴音) 后]
Calcifer:I don't envy you lady, that is one bad curse.You're gonna have a very hard time getting rid of it.
Sophie(90):(惊讶)The fire spoke.Are you Howl?
Calcifer :(做作) No, I'm an extremely powerful fire demon named Calcifer!
Sophie(90):(燃起希望)A fire demon? Well then, you should be able to break my curse.
Calcifer:Of course,it’s easy.If you can find a way to break the spell that's on me.Then I'll break the spell that's on you.You got it?