艾米丽,僵尸新娘,美丽纯真,虽曾被爱人害死,但死后依然向往真爱与自由,最终化蝶消散;一首歌《Tears to Shed》
黑寡妇蜘蛛,Emily的朋友,慈祥;一首歌《Tears to Shed》
【改编自《Corpse Bride(僵尸新娘)》】
该本共 44 min
含一首歌《Tears to Shed》
1.(1)Victor: 维克多,鱼贩富商的独子,羞怯善良,不善言辞;在父母的安排下与Victoria订婚,以完成名利与钱财的结合,结婚前日对她一见钟情;不慎唤醒Emily后,感动于她的真情,情愿献出生命助她完成心愿
(2)Voiceover: 仅1段,绿底字;
2.(1)Emily: 艾米丽,僵尸新娘,美丽纯真,虽曾被爱人害死,但死后依然向往真爱与自由,最终化蝶消散;一首歌《Tears to Shed》
(2)Maudeline: 玛德琳,Victoria的母亲,落魄贵族,阴戾傲慢,自认高人一等;一心想摆脱贫穷,对女儿的幸福毫不在意
3.(1)Victoria: 维多利亚,落魄贵族独女,温柔内向,但关键时刻很有勇气;在父母的安排下与Victor订婚,以完成名利与钱财的结合,结婚前日对他一见钟情;得知Victor与僵尸结婚后,并未责怪,而是努力解救他
(2)Nell: 内尔,男主母亲,丰满强势,野心勃勃,想要晋身贵族之列。虽然爱儿子,但总喜欢批评他
(3)Black Widow [Spider]: 黑寡妇蜘蛛,Emily的朋友,慈祥;一首歌《Tears to Shed》
(4)Mrs. Plum: 梅子夫人,地下世界的主厨;
4.(1)Barkis: 巴克斯,自称贵族,面相凶狠,装腔作势;实则为害死Emily的凶手
(2)William: 威廉,男主父亲,鱼贩富商,懦弱笨拙,在强势的妻子身边毫无存在感
(3)[Elder] Gutknecht: 骨奈克老人,德高望重、知识渊博的地下世界长者
(4)[Pastor] Galswells: 牧师盖斯威尔,自大暴躁
(5)Paul: 保罗,地下世界的头领,字面意义,因为他就是一颗头
5.(1)Maggot: 蛆,Emily的好朋友,住在她的骷髅头里,给她一些建议,看似懂得挺多,实际性格幼稚;注:在女主脑袋里说话的时候均开混响;一首歌《Tears to Shed》
(2)Finis: 菲尼斯,Victoria的父亲,落魄贵族,又矮又挫,冷酷无情;认为婚姻只是利益结合
(3)Town Crier: 小镇公告员,总是拿个大喇叭在小镇的街道上四处游走,公告当天的各种八卦消息
(4)Mayhew: 梅休,男主家的车夫,长期酗酒,突然暴毙,给在幽灵世界的男主带去信息
【BGM 1 According to Plan】
[摇铃 后]
Town Crier : (混响) Here ye, here ye, 10 minutes to go till Van Dort's wedding rehearsal.
[0:11 开窗 后]
Victor : Oh. The sketch is finally finished. Thank you for your help, little butterfly. You are free to go now.[蝴蝶飞走]
[0:23 马车来到大门前 后]
Nell : (excited) It's a beautiful day.
William: Well,it's a rather nice day.
Nell: A day for a glorious wedding.
William: A rehearsal, my dear to be perfectly clear.
Nell: A rehearsal for a glorious wedding.
William: Assuming nothing happens that we don't really know.
Nell: That nothing unexpected interferes with the show.
William: And that's why everything, every last little thing.
Nell: Every single, tiny, microscopic little thing must go...
Nell&William : According to plan.
William: Our son will be married. Our family will be elevated to the heights of society.
Nell: Oh.We'll be there, we'll be seen having tea with the queen. We'll forget everything that we've ever, ever been.
William: Where is Victor? We might be late.
[1:24 关上窗子 后]
Maudeline : (snort)Fish merchants. It's a terrible day.
Finis: Now, don't be that way.
Maudeline: It's a terrible day for a wedding.
Finis: It's a sad, sad state of affairs we're in.
Maudeline: That has led to this ominous wedding. Oh, it couldn't be worse.
Finis: Couldn't be worse? I disagree. They could be land-rich, bankrupt aristocracy. Without a penny to their name. Just like you and me.
Maudeline: And that's why everything every last little thing.
Finis: Every single, tiny, microscopic little thing must go...
Maudeline&Finis : According to plan.
Finis: Our daughter will wed. Our family will be led from the depths of deepest poverty to the noble realm of our ancestry.
Maudeline: And who would have guessed in a million years that our daughter with a face of an otter in disgrace...
Finis: Would provide our ticket to a rightful place.
[2:33 女仆拉紧束身衣 后]
Victoria: Oh. What if Victor and I don't like each other?
Maudeline : (snort)As if that has anything to do with marriage. Do you suppose your father and I LIKE each other?
Victoria: Surely you must a little?
Maudeline&Finis: Of course not.
Maudeline: Marriage is a partnership, a little tit for tat. I'd think a lifetime watching us might have taught you that.
[2:59 马车进行 同 ]
William: You've certainly hooked a winner this time, Victor.
Nell: Now, all you have to do is REEL HER IN.
Victor: I'm already reeling, Mother. Shouldn't Victoria Everglot be marrying a lord or something?
Nell: Oh, nonsense! We're every bit as good as the Everglots. I always knew I deserved better than a fish merchant's life.
Victor: But I've never even spoken to her.
Nell: Well, at least we have that in our favor.
Mayhew : (cough violently)
Nell: Mayhew!!! Silence that blasted coughing!!!
[3:42 管家拉开大门 后]
Nell : (diplomatically) Oh! Oh, my goodness. Oh, such grandeur! Such impeccable taste!
William : (directly) It's not as big as our place, dear. Bit shabby really, isn't it?
Nell: Shut up.
【3:59 原声: Butler: Lord and Lady Everglot...Mr. And Mrs. Van Dort.】
William : (effusive praise) Why, you must be Miss Victoria. Oh, yes, I must say, you don't look a day over 20.
Maudeline : (whisper; to Finis) Smile, darling, smile.
Finis : (put on a fake smile with great effort) Well, hello. What a pleasure. Welcome to our home.
Nell: Oh, thank you.
Maudeline: We'll be taking tea in the west drawing room.
[4:30 父母四人关门进入客厅]
Victor : (sigh) ...... Piano?
[4:39 男主坐下,正式弹起钢琴]
[Victoria走下楼梯, 4:58 男主被吓了一跳 后]
Victor : (gasp). Do forgive me.
Victoria: You play beautifully.
Victor: I... I... I do apologize, Miss Everglot. How rude of me to... well...
Victoria: Mother won't let me near the piano. Music is improper for a young lady. Too passionate, she says.
Victor: If I may ask, Miss Everglot... where is your chaperon?
Victoria: Perhaps, in... in view of the circumstances... you could call me Victoria.
Victor: Yes, of course. Well... Victoria...
Victoria: Yes, Victor.
Victor: T...tomorrow, we are to be m... m... m...
Victoria: Married.
Victor: Yes. Ha. Mmmmarried.
Victoria: Since I was a child, I've... I've dreamt of my wedding day. I always hoped to find someone I was deeply in love with. Someone to spend the rest of my life with. Silly, isn't it?
Victor: Yes, silly. Ha.... No. No, not at all, no.
[6:25 打翻小花瓶]
Victor: Oh! Oh, dear. I'm sorry.
Victoria : (smile) It's okay. (pick up the flower)(sniff) It smells good.
Victor : (take over the flower) (look at her with tenderness)
Maudeline: What impropriety is this? You shouldn't be alone together. Here it is, one minute before 5, and you're not at the rehearsal. Pastor Galswells is waiting. Come at once.
[6:54 转场]
(Three Hours Later)
[拐杖敲地板 后]
Pastor : (impatiently) Master Van Dort, from the beginning. Again."With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine." Let's try it again.
Victor : (timidly) Yes. Yes, sir. (clear throat) With this candle... [没点燃] This candle...? [没点燃] This candle...!!!
【7:37 管家小短腿倒腾,原声:Butler: A Lord Barkis, sir.】
Barkis: I haven't a head for dates. Apparently, I'm a day early for the ceremony.
Finis : (whisper) Is he from your side of the family?
Maudeline : (whisper) I can't recall. (to butler) Emil, a seat for Lord Barkis.
[7:57 Barkis坐下 后]
Pastor: Let's try it again, shall we, Master Van Dort?
Victor: Yes. Yes, sir. Certainly.
Pastor : (through gritted teeth) Right.
Victor: Right. With this... this...
Pastor: HAND!
Victor: With this hand... I... With...
[8:22 下半身撞到桌子 后]
Pastor : (cannot hold back his anger anymore) Three steps, THREE! Can you not count? Do you not wish to be married, Master Van Dort?
Victor: No! No.
Victoria : (shocked) You do not?
Victor : (hurriedly explain) No! I meant, no, I do not ... not wish to be married. That is, I want very much to...
Pastor : (interrupt) PAY ATTENTION!!! Have you even remembered to bring the ring?
Victor: The ring? Yes. Of course. Here it...
[8:55 戒指不小心掉地,滚落 同 ]
Victoria: Oh?!
Pastor: Dropping the ring?! This boy doesn't want to get married.
Maudeline: How disgraceful!