Simba: 辛巴,王位继承人。少年时活泼顽皮,父亲死后逃离国土,在林中过着悠闲避世的生活;在娜娜与拉飞奇的指引下,重拾责任,拯救家园。(分幼年与成年两个时期,请根据提示调整声线);(2首歌:Hakuna Matata;Can You Feel the Love Tonight)
Nala: 娜娜,辛巴的青梅竹马,勇敢,坚韧; (1首歌:Can You Feel the Love Tonight)
Shenzi: 桑琪,鬣狗群首领,鬣狗中唯一有智商的独苗;与刀疤合作害死木法沙
Scar: 刀疤,辛巴的叔叔,阴险狡诈,野心勃勃,串通鬣狗们害死木法沙并嫁祸给辛巴,从而登上垂涎已久的王位;(1首歌: Be Prepared)
Rafiki: 拉飞奇,山魈(大狒狒),法师;指引辛巴与先王对话,找回面对现实的勇气
Mufasa: 木法沙,辛巴的父亲,国王。强壮,聪明,勇敢,是真正的领袖
3.歌均为动画版,分别是:Be Prepared; Hakuna Matata;Can You Feel the Love Tonight.
4.该本共 31 min;
1.Simba: 辛巴,王位继承人。少年时活泼顽皮,父亲死后逃离国土,在林中过着悠闲避世的生活;在娜娜与拉飞奇的指引下,重拾责任,拯救家园。(分幼年与成年两个时期,请根据提示调整声线);(2首歌:Hakuna Matata;Can You Feel the Love Tonight)
2.(1)Nala: 娜娜,辛巴的青梅竹马,勇敢,坚韧; (1首歌:Can You Feel the Love Tonight)
(2)Shenzi: 桑琪,鬣狗群首领,鬣狗中唯一有智商的独苗;与刀疤合作害死木法沙
(3)Voiceover: 旁白,红底字,共4段;
3.(1)Scar: 刀疤,辛巴的叔叔,阴险狡诈,野心勃勃,串通鬣狗们害死木法沙并嫁祸给辛巴,从而登上垂涎已久的王位;(1首歌: Be Prepared)
(2)Rafiki: 拉飞奇,山魈(大狒狒),法师;指引辛巴与先王对话,找回面对现实的勇气
4.(1)Mufasa: 木法沙,辛巴的父亲,国王。强壮,聪明,勇敢,是真正的领袖
(2)Pumbaa: 彭彭,疣猪,身上臭烘烘,性格傻乎乎;(1首歌:Hakuna Matata)
(3)Banzai: 班仔,鬣狗,外强中干、胆小怕事又缺心眼的搞笑反派;
5.(1)Timon: 丁满,猫鼬,自诩聪明机智,救了辛巴并教导他如何逃避过去,过上幸福的”摆烂”生活;(1首歌:Hakuna Matata)
(2)Zazu: 沙祖,犀鸟,狮子王室的大管家,有点话痨,自视颇高,顽固但忠诚;
【BGM 1.1 Circle of Life】
♪ Nants ingonyama bagithi baba ♪
Here comes a lion, my people,the father
♪ Sithi uhm ingonyama eyi yewu ♪
We hail this coming of the lion.
♪ Nants ingonyama bagithi baba ♪
Here comes a lion, my people,the father
♪ Sithi uhhmm ingonyama ♪
We hail this coming of the lion.
♪ Hayi baba (Ingonyama) ♪
Hey father(The lion)
♪ Siyo nqoba (Ingonyama) ♪
We will have victory.(The lion)
[0:25 岩顶的风 同 ]
Mufasa: Look, Simba.Everything the light touches is our kingdom.
Young Simba: Wow!!!
Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun.One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.
Young Simba: All of this will belong to me?
Mufasa: It belongs to no one,but will be yours to protect.A great responsibility.
Young Simba: Everything the light touches? What about that shadowy place?
Mufasa: That's beyond our borders.You must never go there, Simba.
Young Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.
Mufasa : Oh, there's more to being king than...getting your way all the time.
Young Simba : (wide-eyed)There's more?
Mufasa :(chuckle)Simba...Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.
Young Simba: But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?
Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain.When we die, our bodies become the grass,and the antelope eat the grass.And so we are all connected in the great circle of life.
[小老鼠搜寻食物,1:56 被Scar一把按住]
Scar: Life's not fair, is it? You see, I...well, I shall never be king. And you shall never see the light of another day. Adieu.
Zazu: Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?
Scar : (impatiently) What do you want?
Zazu: I'm here to announce that King Mufasa's on his way. So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.
Scar : [2:25小老鼠逃走] (mock sad)Oh, look, Zazu. You've made me lose my lunch.
Zazu : (snort)You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you. He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia.
Scar : (mock fear)Ooooo. I quiver with FEAR!!! (bare teeth at Zazu)
Zazu : (back away)Now, Scar, don't look at me that way....Help!
[2:49 Scar一口吞下Zazu 后]
Mufasa: Scar!?
Scar : (mouth full)Mm-hmm?
Mufasa: Drop him.
Scar : [2:55 吐出Zazu] (sarcastically overjoyed)Why, if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.
Mufasa: Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba.
Scar : (insincere)That was today? Oh,I feel simply awful! Must've slipped my mind.
Zazu: Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the king's brother, you should've been first in line!
Scar: Well, I was first in line... until the little hairball was born.
Mufasa: That "hairball" is my son and your future king.
Scar : Then long live the king.(turn around)
Mufasa : (warning) Don't turn your back on me, Scar
Scar: Oh, no, Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.
[3:46 Mufasa跃至Scar身前,挡住去路]
Mufasa : (threateningly) Is that a challenge?
Scar : Temper, temper. I wouldn't DREAM of challenging you......(whisper)again.
Zazu: A wise decision. You are no match for His Royalness.
Scar: Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share. But when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid my big brother will always rule.
[4:15 Scar离开]
Zazu : (deep sigh).There's one in every family, sire. Two in mine, actually,and they always manage to ruin special occasions.
Mufasa: What am I going to do with him?
Zazu: Oh, come on. We both know he should've been expelled from the Pride Lands long ago.
Mufasa: He's my brother, Zazu. This is his home. As long as I am king, that will never change.
【BGM 2 Elephant Graveyard】
[Scar踢树枝出气 后]
Young Simba: Hey, Uncle Scar! Guess what?
Scar : (rolls his eyes) I DESPISE guessing games.
Young Simba: (excited) I'm gonna be King of Pride Rock!
Scar : (underwhelmed) Oh, goodie!
Young Simba: My dad just showed me the whole kingdom,and I'm gonna rule it all !
Scar: Yes.Well, forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know.
[0:26 Scar郁闷地瘫倒成一坨]
Young Simba: Think about it. When I'm king, I'll have to give you orders. Tell you what to do. How weird is that?
Scar: You have no idea. So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?
Young Simba: Everything.
Scar: He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northern border?
Young Simba: (disappointed)Well, no... He said I can't go there.
Scar : And he's absolutely right. FAR too dangerous. An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince. (slaps a paw to his mouth) Oops!
Young Simba: (awed) An elephant what? Whoa!!!
Scar : (fake dismay)Oh, dear, I've said too much... Well, I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later, you being so clever and all. (pull Simba close)Just do me one favour. Promise me you'll never visit that DREADFUL place.
Young Simba: ...No problem.
Scar: There's a good lad. You run along now and have fun. And remember, it's our little secret.
[1:42 草原脚步 同 ]
Zazu: Step lively.The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave.
Young Nala: (whisper)So, where are we REALLY going?
Young Simba: (whisper)An elephant graveyard.
Young Nala: WOW!
Young Simba: (whisper)Shhh! Zazu.
Young Nala: (whisper)Right. So, how are we gonna ditch the dodo?
Young Simba: (whisper) Trust me, I got this.
Zazu : [2:05 飞下来] Just look at you two.Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savanna. Your parents will be thrilled, what with your being betrothed and all.
Young Simba: Be-what?
Zazu: Betrothed. Intended. Affianced.
Young Nala: Meaning...?
Zazu: One day, you two are going to be married.
Young Simba& Nala: Yuck!
Young Simba: I can't marry her. She's my friend.
Young Nala: Yeah, it'd be so weird.
Zazu: Sorry to bust your bubble, but you two turtle doves have no choice. It's a tradition going back generations.
Young Simba: When I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go.